how are stress and anxiety related

How Are Stress And Anxiety Related?

How Are Stress And Anxiety Related

how are stress and anxiety related

How Are Stress And Anxiety Related – When it comes to stress or anxiety, such feelings can crop up at any time in anyone. In small doses, both anxiety and stress are totally normal. However, if they are persistent, or occur very often, you may need to see a professional for help. This article will talk about the symptoms of both anxiety and stress, as well as how they are related to one another:

Symptoms of Stress

How Are Stress And Anxiety Related – Normal symptoms of acute (short term) stress or anxiety include a faster pulse, skipped heartbeats, rapid or trouble in breathing, trembling, sweating, or feeling dizzy. In other people, these symptoms may manifest themselves as diarrhea, the urgent need to pee, cottonmouth, or issues swallowing. Some people may experience headaches, muscle pain or tightness, temper problems, sexual issues, and even intestinal pain. In most people, these symptoms are short-lived, and pass very quickly. However, if you are having anxiety issues, then you may find that such symptoms do not readily disappear. This is how stress and anxiety are related to one another.


What Causes Stress or Anxiety?

In both the short term and long term cases, causes of stress and anxiety vary greatly. Normally, such things are triggered by life events. Such life events may include the death of a loved-on, a relationship ending, moving to a new place, having a baby, or rending a relationship. In all of these cases, though, stress can be overcome. It is just a simple matter of keeping yourself healthy, looking out for yourself, and seeking professional help from a psychiatrist, counselor, or medical doctor, if needed. In all cases, stimulants like cocaine, tobacco, alcohol, or caffeine use may worsen or prolong these symptoms. It is very important that stress issues are dealt with in a timely manner, as failure to do so may lead to anxiety disorders.


What Are the Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder?

Constant worry is probably the biggest sign of an anxiety disorder, also known as General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This worry can seem to be never ending, and to have no one real cause. Often, the feeling of perpetual worry will interfere with daily routines or tasks. Those experiencing an anxiety disorder may be tired often, seem to have restless sleep, or cannot seem to fall or stay asleep, and may seem restless. They may also appear irritable, and have trouble with concentration. Muscle tension that manifests itself as shakiness or headaches, and intestinal problems may also be present. If you feel as if you may have an anxiety disorder, it is important that you see a medical professional immediately. There are lots of treatment options, and though the success of those options depends upon the severity of your case, you can work with medical professionals to get whatever issues you may have under control. A few options include medication, therapy, group treatment, or a combination of treatments that will help to address both the mental issues and physical symptoms that seem to be present.


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