34 Lists To Organise Your Life Today


Now we’re on the same page and I know you won’t judge me for my love of lists, let’s get started!

Making lists usually isn’t on the ……errr….. list, of things to do to help your mental health.

However – when I feel anxious and overwhelmed, writing down a list is one of the best ways to calm my mind and my anxious thoughts.

Getting my thoughts organised onto paper is so therapeutic and leaves space in my mind for other things.

Using lists throughout the day simplifies all my tasks and makes me use my time so much more efficiently.

Whether your thoughts are about holidays or thinking that everyone hates you, lists can help you feel better and FAST.


How To Make Your List

There are many ways to make lists to organise your life.

Old school technique like a pencil and paper is my favourite for some lists.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment when you scratch an item off your to do list!

Other times I like to organise using an organising Tool like Trello.

Trello is good for when you have lots of lists and are updating them or moving things around every day.

Plus it’s free!

See what works for you.


Benefits Of Lists To Organise Your Life

Just in case you aren’t already a believer and lover of the power of list making, here are some benefits to convince you.

  • get your life together
  • focus on goals clearly
  • don’t forget important things
  • more productive
  • more organised and efficient
  • good for mental health and anxiety
  • you won’t forget any more birthdays
  • they are really fun to make!!!!

34 Lists to organise your life

Things To Do

RESTAURANTS – write down all the ones you have been wanting to go to. Then plan when you are going to go and treat yourself so you have something to look forward to!

COUNTRIES – there are so many towns and cities I want to visit but just not enough time! You can also write down all the things you want to do when you actually get there.

BUCKET LIST – a list of all the things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. The aim of a bucket list is to make sure you make the most of your time on this planet.

Stuff To Buy

CLOTHES – there are so many lovely dresses and jumpers out there that I want to try! I make a list to keep track of them all as I know I sadly can’t afford them all in one go. Also take note of your stuff which is worn out – I always forget to buy replacements when I’m out shopping unless I write it down!

ACCESSORIES – same as above. Your new outfits will need some jazzing up with some nice rings or necklaces.

SKINCARE PRODUCTS – I always see new products I want to try and my friends are always recommending brands that make their skin look great.

STUFF FOR THE HOUSE – I could always do with a new vase, new candle, new cushions. Making a list helps me keep track of what I actually NEED and what would just be nice to have as a treat.

Lists For Mental Health

SELF CARE IDEAS – next time you find the time for a self care Sunday, all it takes is a quick glance at your list to have the perfect day planned out for you.

POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS – write your favourites down on flashcards to do in your daily routine. If you’re stuck for ideas you can use these positive affirmations for confidence.

FAVOURITE QUOTES – ever see a quote you LOVE, think YES I must remember that and live by it only to forget it 10 minutes later?

Take note of your favourites so that you have your favourites to hand when you need that little bit of motivation or inspiration! You can find my favourite inspirational quotes for self esteem here.

JOURNAL PROMPTS – organise your favourite writing prompts so that next time you have tons to write about and won’t be left staring at a blank page. Use these self love journal prompts or journal prompts for depression.

Friends & Family

BIRTHDAY DATES – how many times have you had that panicky feeling where you remember that it was your friend’s birthday………yesterday. I bought a cute little birthday calendar so I would never be in that situation again!

If you want to be super organised, make sure you always have a few cards and backup presents ready to go – just in case.

PRESENTS FOR BIRTHDAYS – instead of waiting until the last minute to think of something to buy, get into the habit of writing down things in advance that you know your friends and family will love! This list is especially handy at Christmas time.


PEOPLE TO CONTACT – I feel like I always have a long list of people to contact or that I should check in with. However, I procrastinate and never do it right at that minute. Instead, I make a list of people I need to message or reply back to, and do it in one go in a 30 minute block to save time.


FICTION BOOKS – never be stuck for something to read again! People are always recommending new things to read I can hardly keep up. I love the goodreads app for this list. It makes it easy to track what I want to read next and what I have already read.

NON FICTION BOOKS – try and have a balance of fiction and non-fiction books. They both bring a completely different dimension to your life!

FILMS – make a list for some new ones you want to see, but also a list of your favourite old films so that when you plan that quiet night in you know exactly what kind of movie you’re in the mood for.

TED TALKS – if you aren’t into watching TED talks you are MISSING OUT. I was hooked after reading this book. The knowledge and entertainment they bring in such a short space of time always amazes me. I have an ever growing list of TED talks I want to watch. If you need inspiration, try my TED Talks for Anxiety.

SERIES – there are so many series to watch right now. Some which are good, some which are bad, and some which I have wasted many hours of my life on. Again people are always recommending new ones to watch yet when I sit down I used to never be able to remember a single one.

PODCASTS – if you need inspiration check out the best ones this year.


SHORT TERM GOALS – one of the best lists to make to organise your life. Write down all of the things you want to achieve over the next few weeks or months. Setting goals and writing them down means you are more likely to be productive and achieve them.

LONG TERM GOALS – write down the things you want to achieve in the long term, over the next decade or so – or even longer! It is good to be able to know what you want in your life and make sure you are on the right path for you.

HABITS TO START – habit books are quite the craze at the moment and you might have thought of a few new things you want to add to your daily routine but they didn’t stick. Writing them down in a list and planning how and when you will do each one makes them more realistic to achieve.


HABITS TO STOP – again, writing them down makes it more likely you will stop them! Also write how you are going to reward yourself when you have kicked the habit for good.

SKILLS TO LEARN – we can always be developing ourselves and learning more. Things to do on my list are learn to juggle, complete a rubiks cube, learn mahjong and become fluent in spanish.

SUBJECTS TO LEARN – you can make a list of the generic school topics you feel you are lacking in knowledge, such as history or geography maybe. Also I make lists of topics I don’t understand or realise I want to learn more about when reading a book or the news.

Making a list to organise subjects is so much better than opening a million tabs in your browser which you never actually get round to reading…..

House Organisation

GROCERY LIST – a standard but essential list. Never forget milk at the supermarket again! (The WORST if you’re a tea drinker).

MEAL PLAN – sometimes (all the time) most of my day is filled with thinking about what to have for dinner. When I plan out the meals for the week it is a massive load off my mind and I feel I have so much time for other things!

RECIPES TO TRY – you can make a list of make a little folder of all the fun things you have seen that you want to make but never get round to doing it or finding the right opportunity.

CLEANING LIST – split out the tasks you want to do daily, weekly and month. I find this most useful as a checklist and also for splitting up chores if you live with someone.



BUDGET – I do this one on an excel spreadsheet as it helps me keep track of my finances easily. If you’re not really into the fine details, start off with keeping track of the things you know you spend each month and then go from there.

LOGINS – keep track of all your logins in a secure location. Think of all the time you’ll save not having to click on ‘forgotten password’ ever again!

APPOINTMENTS – dentist, doctor check up, bank. Write down everything you need to do and also how frequently you want to go.

HOLIDAY PACKING – probably one of the most useful lists I have as I LOVE travelling. Once you have made this list once you can use the same one forever more! No more paying £10 for suncream at the airport.


By now you should be feeling preeeetttyy organised and in control of your life. If you just read through without actioning any then remember to PIN FOR LATER!

I hope you enjoyed these lists to organise your life. If you have any other ideas of lists you love that make you productive please comment below I’d love to hear them!

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