Can Anxiety Cause Anaphylaxis? – Is It True?

Can anxiety cause anaphylaxis

Can Anxiety Cause Anaphylaxis?

can anxiety cause anaphylaxis – If you suffer from anxiety, you may be wondering if it can have any negative health effects. And while stress is a normal and healthy response to life’s many challenges, it can become a serious medical issue when it causes excessive worry and restlessness. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses in the United States and anxiety-related illnesses account for one-third of all visits to primary care doctors. Anxiety disorders are often characterized by persistent, irrational thoughts and fears that negatively affect a person’s daily life. One of the most common diseases associated with anxiety is anaphylaxis.

What is Anaphylaxis?


Anaphylaxis, commonly referred to as anaphylactic shock, is a severe and sometimes fatal allergic reaction that can cause airway blockage, breathing difficulty, and swelling of the face, throat, or tongue. Because of its potentially fatal outcome, anaphylaxis gets a lot of attention and is often featured as a plot device in television shows and movies. While anaphylaxis can be caused by certain foods or drugs, it most frequently happens as a result of insect stings or bites.


Symptoms of Anaphylaxis


Most commonly, people with anaphylaxis experience one or more of the following symptoms:


  • Skin reactions (such as hives, itching, rash, or swelling)
  • Discomfort or tingling in the mouth and throat area
  • Swelling or tightness in the airway (throat and esophagus)
  • Dizziness, weakness, and shortness of breath
  • Chest pain can be accompanied by a pounding sensation (heart attack)
  • Shock, unconsciousness, and death from cardiac arrest
  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)

What are the 3 common triggers of anaphylaxis?


The common triggers of anaphylaxis include


1. Insect stings or bites


Any insect bite or sting, especially from a bee, wasp, or hornet can cause anaphylaxis. The venom in the insect’s saliva activates the immune system resulting in cells producing life-threatening amounts of histamine. This causes fluid leakage into tissues which leads to swelling and airway blockage in severe cases. Antihistamines are not effective against anaphylaxis caused by insect stings or bites because antihistamines work by blocking histamine receptors in the body while insect venom activates histamine receptors.


2. Food allergy


Many types of food allergens can cause anaphylaxis, including tree nuts, peanuts, soy, and fish. Because these allergens are proteins and fats, they enter the bloodstream easily causing a severe allergic reaction. People who have food allergies have a heightened risk of suffering from anaphylaxis so they must avoid foods and prepare foods appropriately.


3 Latex products


Latex (natural rubber) products like condoms, balloons, rubber gloves, and medical tubing are common causes of anaphylaxis because latex is a protein. The immune system detects it as a foreign protein and triggers the production of histamine to fight it off. Later, when the latex comes in contact with the body of the person who is allergic to it, this process repeats itself causing severe symptoms.


What is Anaphylaxis anxiety?


Anaphylaxis anxiety is a condition in which a person suffers from anxiety attacks like nervousness, restlessness, and excessive worry, before and during an anaphylactic reaction. This type of anxiety may lead to confusion and make it difficult for the sufferer to differentiate between the symptoms of anaphylaxis and those caused by the underlying anxiety. The sufferer may not have any idea that he is suffering from both conditions at once.


Can anxiety cause Anaphylaxis?


Anxiety and anaphylaxis are related in a few ways. The presence of either may contribute to the development of symptoms in the other. Anaphylaxis may be triggered by anxiety. A person who suffers from anxiety is more likely to suffer from anaphylaxis than a person who doesn’t. Anaphylaxis itself is the cause of anxiety, especially when the condition has been diagnosed late or the symptoms are ignored due to a lack of understanding about allergies. In such cases, it would not be correct to say that anxiety caused anaphylaxis. Rather, it would be correct to say that anxiety caused the delay in diagnosing and treating the condition resulting in anaphylaxis causing increased levels of anxiety.


Anxiety, when coupled with other symptoms, can worsen anaphylactic reactions by causing a person to breathe more quickly and deeply than necessary. Breathing quickly in a relaxed manner will keep the body calm but breathing quickly and deeply due to anxiety causes the lungs to work harder and tire more quickly.


Can anxiety attacks mimic Anaphylaxis?


Yes, anxiety attacks may cause anaphylaxis symptoms like severe airway blockage, quick and deep breathing, swollen and itchy throat, difficulty swallowing, and facial swelling. However, this is not true for everyone. Anxiety attacks are caused by the overactive brain areas responsible for the fight or flight responses and they trigger sudden, intense feelings of worry and fear. It is these feelings that cause rapid breathing and a rapid heartbeat. These symptoms are very similar to those caused by anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions in general but anxiety attacks are not related to anaphylaxis causes such as insect stings or bites.


Can stress give you Anaphylaxis?


Yes, stress or anxiety can cause anaphylaxis just like any other disease. The symptoms of stress and anxiety mimic most symptoms of anaphylaxis so it is often difficult to differentiate between the two. A person suffering from anaphylaxis who also suffers from anxiety will confuse his panic and worry for the actual symptoms of anaphylaxis. This makes it difficult for him to make the necessary changes to his diet and lifestyle to manage the condition. Anaphylaxis should be managed under the guidance of a physician but in about 30% of cases, it is not properly diagnosed or treated on time.


Can you have a mild Anaphylactic reaction?


Yes, mild anaphylaxis can cause symptoms like skin rashes, itching, shortness of breath, and mild abdominal pain. These symptoms are similar to those of a mild allergic reaction but they don’t require immediate medical attention and the person who suffers from them may experience a feeling of unease, anxiety, or an “it’s not worth it” attitude. However, these symptoms are worse than many other types of conditions and if not treated in time, could lead to a severe anaphylactic reaction.


Can Anaphylaxis happen hours later?


Yes, in rare cases a person can suffer from symptoms hours after exposure to an allergen that causes anaphylaxis. It is believed that the body’s immune system has a delayed response to anaphylaxis chemicals and takes time to respond. This delay can last for half an hour or even a few hours thus causing symptoms even after exposure to a specific allergen.


How serious is Anaphylactic shock?


Anaphylactic shock is very serious because it can cause death in minutes. The severity of the shock depends on the amount of histamine released by the body after exposure to a specific allergen or insect venom.




Anaphylaxis is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. A person suffering from anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock should stay in the hospital and be treated as soon as possible. The severity of an anaphylactic reaction determines whether it will progress into anaphylaxis shock or not. The treatment of anaphylaxis must take place early so that many of the symptoms can be managed to prevent the development of further complications.

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