Paruresis Treatment System Review

Paruresis Treatment System Review – We Check What Are The Pros And Cons

Paruresis Treatment System Review

Paruresis Treatment System

Paruresis, also known as Shy Bladder Syndrome or Shy Bladder, is the fear of being unable to urinate in public restrooms when other people are around, especially strangers. Those who suffer from it tend to avoid situations requiring them to urinate in public, such as road trips and camping, which can have a detrimental effect on their social lives and careers. This article will look at how the paruresis treatment system addresses these issues while providing an effective solution for those with social anxiety disorder.

What is Paruresis Treatment System?


The Paruresis Treatment System is an effective step-by-step system guide created by Rich Presta, a personal coach, and psychologist who has struggled with this disorder. After suffering for many years, Rich realized he needed to take control of his life and make some changes. He tried several therapies before finally finding the one that worked for him – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It was through CBT that Rich could identify how the condition was affecting his life and how he could use different techniques to cope. Since this anxiety was a mental condition, Rich Presta wanted to create a program that would be as accessible to everyone with social anxiety disorder. That’s when the idea for his program came about.


Causes of Shy Bladder Syndrome – Paruresis Treatment System Review 


There are many potential causes of Shy bladder syndrome. Sometimes the cause is known, but it is often difficult to determine the exact reasons behind a person’s Shy bladder syndrome symptoms. Some possible causes of Shy bladder syndrome are social anxiety disorder, genetic predisposition to Shy bladder syndrome, anxiety, and overuse of the muscle in the pelvic floor due to constipation or other conditions. Other possible causes include difficult training periods, sexual abuse, sexual assault, childhood emotional trauma, and psychological trauma.


The funny thing is that when one is at home alone in their bathroom, they may not feel as anxious about going to the toilet. However, once they get out in public or around others, they feel very self-conscious and uncomfortable. These feelings can lead them to avoid going altogether, which leads to another problem: urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections occur more frequently among those with Shy bladder syndrome because urine sits longer in the bladder, making bacteria grow and spread faster than usual. These urinary tract infections can become severe if left untreated, leading to hospitalization. Women tend to have higher rates of UTIs than men because women usually have shorter urethras where bacteria have an easier time getting in, while men have long urethras where bacteria have a harder time getting inside.


Symptoms of Shy bladder syndrome – Paruresis Treatment System Review 


Stranded social life


Individuals suffering from paruresis or shy bladder syndrome have difficulty urinating in public places, including at the office, at a public restroom, or when around friends. These people may experience pain, panic attacks, and even urinary tract infections due to this condition. These individuals will still avoid drinking coffee, alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and other beverages that can cause increased urgency to urinate. They are afraid of being trapped in a situation where they need to use the bathroom but cannot find one nearby or do not want to ask someone if they can use their private bathroom.


Anxiety using the toilet


People with paruresis often try to limit how much they interact with their friends, coworkers, and family members because of their anxiety about having to go to the bathroom while around them. And many feel too embarrassed to admit they suffer from this condition. These people will love it when they’re visited at their home and know they’ll be able to relax during the visit without worrying about going to the bathroom.


How does the Paruresis Treatment Program Work?


Designed to help patients with social anxiety disorder overcome their fear of being judged while urinating in public or around others, the Paruresis Treatment System is an effective combination of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness.


Guided by licensed therapists and healthcare professionals, participants work on changing maladaptive behaviors and learned associations contributing to their diagnosis. As they progress through the program, they learn to manage stress levels more effectively and increase confidence while progressing towards their goals.


The program allows you to begin with simple stuff like holding your pee in at home before moving on to school or work environments. Patients are then instructed on how to use mental exercises and breathing techniques, as well as grounding themselves before urination, to get over the hump of nervousness. Though it might seem a little embarrassing initially, many people find this a great way to combat their problem without taking medication.


As you continue practicing the simple stuff, you will be introduced to more complex stuff, such as holding your pee at work. You can’t let your condition control you anymore; it’s time to put yourself back in control. After all, you only need one moment of bravery to finally free yourself from paruresis once and for all.


The idea here is to use anxiety to beat itself. Yes, it sounds counterintuitive but thinks about it: those who suffer from social anxiety are generally anxious about just about everything – even if there’s nothing wrong. Using CBT and mindfulness to deal with these feelings has proven effective because the mind has a tendency to fight against itself. If you know what sets off your nerves, try challenging yourself when you’re feeling calm so you’ll know what to do when things inevitably go wrong again in the future.

Paruresis Treatment System Review

What do you learn from the Paruresis Treatment System?


1. Being Alone


The first thing you’ll learn from the program is how to deal with being alone, which is a major part of social anxiety disorder. You will learn how to be comfortable when you’re by yourself and all the skills needed to be around others without anxiety or fear of embarrassment. You only need to be natural and pee when you feel like it. There’s no pressure on having to go at a certain time, which means your bladder won’t become over-full and irritated. It can take up to six weeks before your bladder becomes more regulated so that you can go longer between needing to use the bathroom.


2. Listen to Something


Dealing with this issue will demand you to get distractions while feeling anxious. You are effectively reducing your discomfort by listening to music, taking deep breaths, reading a book, watching TV, or engaging in any other distracting activity. Besides, by distracting yourself, you will also minimize unwanted bodily functions such as shaking hands, sweaty palms, and rapid heart rate. Another great distraction is participating in some type of exercise routine – even if it’s just walking around the block a few times. It is essential that you don’t try to think your way out of the situation; rather, just focus on something else besides the urge to urinate.


3. Say Nothing


You also need to avoid saying anything when peeing because it might make you have anxiety about going again later. When you do, you may find yourself using the restroom less often but with larger amounts each time. If you cannot refrain from talking, then try not to say anything specific that would trigger self-consciousness, such as I’m going to the bathroom or Do I smell? Remember, if someone asks what you were doing earlier when they see evidence on your clothes or shoes, simply say that you spilled something and had to clean it up. Don’t mention anything about peeing.


Pros – Paruresis Treatment System Review 




The Paruresis Treatment System acts as a form of physical therapy to help those with social anxiety disorder deal with their fear of using public restrooms. The program will not only provide a safe place to go in the case of an emergency, but it also gives the user some time to get used to the feeling before leaving.


Say goodbye to the feeling of being shameful


Using the Paruresis Treatment System can be a great way to say goodbye to the feelings of shame and humiliation that come from having this condition. Even if you do not suffer from a social anxiety disorder but are just someone who feels self-conscious when going into a public restroom, this might be worth looking into.


Cons – Paruresis Treatment System Review 


Lacks video mode of explanation


The Paruresis Treatment System has one downfall, though: there is no option for users to watch videos on how to use the product. Since it does require quite a bit of commitment and practice to see results, this would make sense. However, even without the video option, there are plenty of resources out there on how to use the product. It’s a good idea to browse through them beforehand to know what you’re getting yourself into. For example, the written contents and audio files work together to create a comprehensive system that helps put people at ease.


No one-one interaction


The system could have been better if they included a feature online where one could raise questions anonymously. There aren’t any one-on-one type interactions. However, because the content is already compiled together, there isn’t much need for that. One thing to keep in mind about this system is that it doesn’t actually treat your social anxiety disorder; rather, it provides relief during emergencies (or, more specifically, bladder control accidents).


The Paruresis Treatment System Bonuses


When you purchase the Paruresis Treatment System, you will receive a number of bonuses, including;


1. Audio lessons


This is a great way to track your progress and follow along with the expert’s instructions as they teach you how to cure your social anxiety disorder. You can listen to them at any time and feel as though they are right there next to you as they coach you through each lesson step by step. Another plus of having an MP3 player handy is that it gives you a perfect excuse to pause or stop the audio if anyone walks into the room. You can always say that you have to change tracks on your player, just like some people do when driving in their car. If this isn’t an option, put one earbud in so that it looks like you’re listening, but no one will know what kind of material you’re actually listening to.


2. Main Manual


This book includes information about how different body parts work together to create these uncomfortable feelings of fear and stress and exercises and tips for managing those feelings until they dissipate altogether. The entire program has been designed to help you get back control over your life by addressing all areas where anxiety may be present.


3. P.A.T.S. volume


This bonus book is a great way to learn about techniques for putting your Paruresis Treatment System techniques into action. It’s also very helpful because it was written by those who have suffered from social anxiety, and it teaches them how to take back control of their lives, just like you will be able to.


4. Helix Report


This report is about a new way to help your mind overcome those feelings of social anxiety once and for all. The great thing about it is that it’s completely natural, meaning you don’t have to rely on drugs or harmful side effects. Instead, you can see positive results in just a few short days if you follow each step and exercise within. The scientific techniques outlined are proven methods to help anyone who suffers from any kind of social anxiety disorder, including Paruresis or Shy Bladder Syndrome.


Final Thoughts – Paruresis Treatment System Review 


The paruresis treatment system is effective for those with social. It offers a discreet and easy way to relieve your bladder and take care of your physical needs without fearing being judged. The best part is that you can use it anywhere as long as you have access to a bathroom and are near enough water. The program may not be perfect for everyone, but it has successfully relieved many people of their condition. Many people have reported seeing improvements after using this program, even if they were initially skeptical about its effects. All in all, it is one of the most useful products on the market, and it’s recommended to anyone who suffers from Paruresis or similar conditions like vaginismus.

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