Crystals for anxiety - Try this and release all negativity

crystals for anxiety – Try this and release all negativity

What Crystals are Good for Anxiety

Crystals for anxiety - Try this and release all negativity


Anxiety can be crippling and, if not appropriately managed, lead to long-term mental health issues. Dealing with it can be difficult, but there are things that can help. While some people find relief in natural remedies like CBD oil or chamomile tea, others find that crystals offer a more holistic approach to managing their anxiety

The crystals work by absorbing the anxiety-inducing energy and replacing it with calming, positive energy. This is said to help the person dealing with tension to feel more balanced and in control.


What crystals are good for anxiety

The list of crystals that are said to be helpful for anxiety is long, but some of the most popular ones include:




Amethyst is a purple crystal said to be very helpful for those dealing with anxiety. It is known as a “master Healing crystal” and is said to work on the mind, body, and spirit. It is said to help with stress, fear, and tension by providing a sense of calm and peace.



Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a pink crystal known as the “love stone.” It promotes love, self-love, friendship, and emotional healing. Rose quartz is also known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. When used in crystal therapy, rose quartz can help release emotions trapped in the heart.




Citrine is a yellow or orange crystal known as the “success stone.” It is said to promote success, manifestation, and abundance. Citrine is also known for boosting one’s mood and alleviating anxiety. It’s a happy stone that can help to chase away negative thoughts and feelings.



Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a dark and dreamy crystal that is very protective. It is known for its ability to deflect negative energy and shield the user from harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Black tourmaline is also said to help reduce stress and anxiety.



Lava Stone

A lava stone is a powerful stone that can help to ground and calm the wearer. This grounding stone can benefit those with anxiety or panic attacks. It can help to center and ground you, provide a sense of strength and stability, and help you to feel more connected to the earth. It allows you to rebalance your emotions and let go of any negative energy you may be holding onto.



Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a dark and mysterious crystal, often revered for its ability to cleanse and protect the wearer from negative energies. The name smoky quartz is derived from its dark, smoky coloration. This crystal effectively grounds and stabilizes the wearer, making it an excellent choice for those seeking relief from anxiety or stress. Smoky quartz is also said to promote positive and banish negative thoughts, making it a perfect choice for those seeking to overcome nervousness or depression.




Hematite is a shiny, silver-grey crystal known for its ability to ground and protect against negative energy. It is also said to help relieve anxiety and stress. If you want a crystal to help you with nervousness, hematite is a good choice.




Moonstone is a beautiful, translucent crystal that is said to help calm emotions. Many people find that Moonstone can support reducing anxiety and stress. Moonstone is also said to help promote sleep and relaxation. You can keep Moonstone near your bed or in your purse or pocket to help you relax when you need it.




Shungite is a black, carbon-rich crystal that is said to be very protective. It is known for its ability to cleanse and purify and is often used to aid guard against EMF radiation. Some people also find that Shungite can help reduce anxiety and promote calmness. The stone is also said to help promote detoxification and support the immune system.



Kyanite is a beautiful blue crystal. It is known as a stone of connection, as it can help to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds. It is also thought to assist promote communication and understanding. Kyanite is a powerful stone for calming the mind and easing anxiety. It can also help to promote restful sleep.



How to use crystals for anxiety

It all comes down to finding the suitable crystals for anxiety and using them correctly. Here are some tips to get you started:


Choose the right crystals

What crystals are best for anxiety? The answer depends on what you need. If you want a crystal to aid ground and calm you, try lava stone or black tourmaline. Try smoky quartz or moonstone if you wish for a crystal to help promote positive thinking. If you need a crystal to help protect you from negative energy, try shungite or kyanite.



Cleanse your crystals

Before using your crystals, it is essential to cleanse them. This helps to remove any negative energy they may have picked up and ensures that they will be effective in helping you. You can cleanse your crystals using a salt water bath or sage smoke.



Program your crystals

After cleansing your crystals, it is vital to program them. This means that you need to set your intention for using the crystal. For example, if you are using the crystal to help ease anxiety, you would set the intention that the crystal will aid to calm and reduce your tension.



Decide on how you will use your crystal for anxiety

There are many ways to use crystals. Here are the various ways you can use crystals to ease anxiety:

Carry your crystals with you: One of the best ways to use crystals for anxiety is to carry them with you. You can keep them in your purse or pocket or wear them as jewelry. This way, you can have the crystal’s benefits throughout the day.

Use crystal grids: Crystal grids are a powerful way to use crystals. They can be used for many different purposes, including reducing anxiety. To make a grid, start by choosing a central crystal. This will be the focus of your grid. Then, select other crystals that you feel will complement the central crystal. Arrange the crystals in a grid pattern, and then meditate on your intention for the grid.

Place crystals around your home: Another way to use crystals for anxiety is to place them around your home. This can help to create a calming and peaceful environment. Place crystals in the areas where you spend the most time, such as your bedroom or living room.



Use crystal elixirs: Crystal elixirs are a great way to get the benefits of crystals without having to carry them around with you. You can make an elixir by adding crystals to water and allowing them to infuse for 24 hours. Then, drink the elixir throughout the day.

Meditate with crystals: Meditating with crystals can be a compelling experience. Choose a crystal you feel drawn to and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you breathe, visualize the crystal’s energy entering your body and calming your mind.

Wear them as jewelry: Crystal jewelry not only looks beautiful, but it can also support keep the crystal’s benefits close to you throughout the day.



Final Thoughts!

If you are struggling with anxiety, know that you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from anxiety every day. However, there are many ways to find relief. One of the best ways to ease nervousness is to use crystals. There are many different types of crystals that can be helpful for anxiety. The key is to find suitable crystals for you and use them correctly.


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